Thursday 12 August 2010

John Carpenter's The Thing

This is the remake of the classic science-fiction/horror film"The Thing from Another World" 1951 by John Carpenter and it was made in 1982. It was a novel written by John W. Campbell Jr. and it's called "Who goes there?".  Starring Kurt Russell. I've never read the novel and also never seen the original film so I can't comment but all I know is that John Carpenter wanted to remake the film with updated special effects because older special effects are inferior with less technology. John Carpenter is a famous B-movie director specialises in horror/science-fiction genre. He employed young Rob Bottin as special effects make up artist and these guys came up with gory aliens. Story is about an American scientific research group in Antarctica was attacked by an angry Norwegian, who was chasing a dog through the sky, riding a helicopter. Norwegian was shooting rifle randomly and Americans managed to stop him by killing him with a gun. Dog was kept in the American base and one night monster appeared from the dog cage with a nasty scream, killing several dogs and this dog turned into a huge grotesque alien monster. Research group members somehow managed to kill the monster but it didn't stop there. This alien can transform himself blood-like red liquid and transfer to other human while they are asleep and they can imitate that person. So it's really hard to trust each other because you don't know who is an alien, to find out you have to take a blood test by burning the blood. One by one members dies and in the end few of 'em survives the terror. This movie was a cult movie but for me this film remain classic science-fiction horror.


Here's the gross Norris Alien!

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