Thursday 29 July 2010


This film was released back in 1987 and I watched it quite few times. It was directed by Paul Verhoeven the Dutchman and it is a rather violent film for a science-fiction movie. Starring Peter Weller and Nancy Allen. It's about a police officer called Alex Murphy who dies while chasing nasty criminals and he gets caught by criminals and murdered by criminal boss Clarence. Then OCP the large corporate company who also owns the Delta City (Where story is based somewhere in Detroit US) revive Alex Murphy by transplanting his near dead brain into new robotic body. It's a birth of RoboCop. He catches many criminals efficiently just like machine. But one day he gets his memory back and recovered as previously as a man Alex Murphy and reminding him about previous life such as his family moving away from home, about his death, the deadly criminal group but the good thing was that he teams up with his old partner Lieutenant Anne Lewis. Then Alex and Anne go and catch the true boss behind the Clarence and his clan who works for the OCP. There's a big robot called ED-209 is in this film and it's pretty awesome. It's like Walking Machine Guns. This is very good science-fiction film and obviously sequels was made. 2nd and 3rd. 2nd one RoboCop fights cool drug addict called Cain and like Alex Cain's brain gets transplanted into updated type RoboCop. 3rd RoboCop film was the worst one. RoboCop fight against Japanese Ninja Robot and he gets special weapons like fire gun attached to his arm and jet pack behind his back so he can fly... Very silly... But first one is definitely a classic sci-fi film!! Highly recommended!!

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